Tai Again.. (:
And we set up a date for Treavor's farewell.
January 27th, 2013
(church starts at 11 am with a luncheon to follow)
(church starts at 11 am with a luncheon to follow)
Mark it on your calendars!
Write it down!
Singe it into your brain!
Because this is going to be a FUN day.
You know it's going to be good..
..because me and Mom have a secret Pinterest board dedicated to this..
We are taking extra measures just so you will all be surprised.
And because her and I make such an amazing duo,
there is no way for us to fail..
Get your party pants on.
*Sorry this post is pretty short and text-less..
But I tried to jazz it up with fonts and stuff...
You know...
Whatever (: