Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A little too real....

So...I don't know if y'all are aware....but this is really happening.

And I think I just realized how real it is....  its real...   so really real.......

Sunday was Tanner's farewell (Treavor's cousin)....
Tanner is leaving tomorrow to serve his mission in Hawaii.... 
So after the farewell....
I was sitting at my sisters house after dinner... just looking at Tanner...... and then at Treavor....and then at Zac......
{tears a flowin....}
How do I just hug them....and then not see them for 2 years? How are they so brave? How do they know what to do? Are they scared or is it just me? How do we just drop them off....and watch them walk away?


If they can be strong.......so can i...

If they can have courage.......so can i...

If they can have faith.......so can i...

Who said kids don't teach their parents!!?

-picture from the farewell sunday-
(Zac, Tanner, Treav and Landon)


sooooooooo.... a lot of dumb distractions this last week.... whatever....

....my Dad gave an awesome little "grandpa talk" on Sunday....
and he said...."don't quit"...
.....so I won't. 



I've been working on some things to keep my mind busy.....

 This is Treavor's wall....
...ready to mark where he is....... and where he's been ...
to add pictures and cool stuff as the years go by...
(yes... it could be seen as a creepy stalker shrine..... whatevs... don't judge)

 and who DOESN'T need one of these??  I mean really.......
Made this little gem with Treavor's "Galactic Empire" needs in mind.....

Keep you posted....
 15 DAYS!



  1. I shouldn't have read this this morning, about 3 hours before we leave for the MTC -- If Treavor, Tanner, Zac and Josh can do this -- so can their mothers, by dang. FAITH my sister! {Just rip my heart out right now!}

  2. I don't know how any of these young people do it! I am just in AWE of them!! I have a really new and different respect and reverance for these missionaries because of Josh and Zac's missionary service. And now Tanner,Treavor, and Zac. They are so courageous and brave to me.
    I miss them. I love them. I pray for them.
    I am honored to know them.
